Mr. Baggett is a document examiner and is a court qualified expert witness. He is certified by the American Bureau of Document Examiners and the American Institute of Applied Science. Mr. Baggett has examined documents and/or testified in court cases as a handwriting expert in all 50 states, Texas, Washington D.C., the Bahamas Brazil, Canada, Chile, England, Ireland, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Thailand, New Zealand, Korea, China, Australia, and Denmark. He has been qualified as an expert witness in State and Federal courts across the USA and now the World!

He has appeared with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, Charles Gibson on ABC, Inside Edition, CBS, CNBC, FOX, Judge Alex, Texas justice, and Good Morning Texas. Mr. Baggett is also the co-author of “The Handwriting Certification Home Study Course” and has been a guest on various other radio and tv programs discussing handwriting and forensic document examination.


Curt Baggett is here to help!

He is awaiting your call Houston, Texas!

Call Now: 972-644-0285